TPEA 34th International Conference

Back to/or the future? The challenges of educating and using digital technologies in a pandemic world .

Thursday 15th July, 2021 | from 10.00am

About the Event

Our TPEA Summer Event will be held online this year due to the ongoing pandemic. Both 2020 and 2021 have been challenging for all who work within education. The lack of face-to-face events have also demanded more of our use of digital technologies.

This year’s conference is an opportunity for members to share their research, projects and activities over the pandemic. We wanted this online event to feel comfortable like our face-to-face TPEA conferences but not as intense as being online for the whole day. There will be a range of inputs, debates and presentations throughout different points in the day.

There will even be an online conference dinner which we invite you  to join in with from the comfort of your very own home!

Conference themes

The conference themes are broad for this year, with members presenting on:

Event Schedule*

The day is organised into small sections with space so you can stretch your legs, take a break and work around meetings so you can join us.

10:00 AM

Introduction & Opening

Speaker: Jon Audain, Chair of the TPEA
10:10 AM


Speaker: Charlene Hunter,
CEO & Founder of Coding Black Females
11:10 AM

Session 1 - Speakers & Presentations

Speaker: Various
12:10 PM

Lunch Time

Lunch Time and Mindfulness Museum
01:10 PM

Session 2 - Speakers & Presentations

Speaker: All
02:00 PM


Speaker: Beena Nana, Strategy and Research Lead Digital Strategy for Education Department for Education

Session 3 - Covid Keepers? Perspectives from the sector

Speaker: Various
04.10 Conference Ends and Launch of the TPEA Awards.
06:00 PM

Online Conference Dinner

Speaker: Prof Christina Preston & John Sibbald

Welcome to our Main Stage. Find out more about our keynote speakers and their presentations below

Charlene Hunter

10.10 am - 10.50 am - KEYNOTE

Keynote - Charlene Hunter

Coding Black Females,CEO & Founder

To Be Confirmed

Charlene Hunter

Growing, Educating & Supporting the Community of Black Women & Non-Binary People in Tech⁣⁣⁣⁣

Beena Nana

2.00 pm - 2.40 pm - KEYNOTE

Keynote - Beena Nana

Department for Education (DfE) ,Strategy and Research Lead (Digital Strategy for Education)

Overview of Speakers & Presenters

We have a number of different speakers and presenters joining us online this year to present their work throughout the conference day.

(10.10 - 10.50) - Keynote Presentation: Charlene Hunter, Coding Black Females, CEO & Founder

Morning presentations

Session 1- Presentations & Speakers

Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith

11.10 am - 11.25 am - PRESENTATION

From EdTech to PedTech: Changing the narrative around technology in education

Dr. Fiona Aubrey-Smith,Associate Lecturer, Open University, UK

We are familiar with the research that tells us that; “technology must be used in a way that is informed by effective pedagogy” (EEF, 2020). But the problem is that no one really knows whose pedagogy we are referring to – we don’t share an agreed set of pedagogical beliefs nationally, academically, or even within an institution or department. Furthermore, what we say we do, what we intend to do, what we enact in our practices, what we implicitly believe, and what our students experience are all subtly different. There is too much of a focus on surface level practice and not enough attention paid to the implicit beliefs that frame what students experience through that practice.

We need to move from thinking about EdTech – with its inferences that ‘What Works’ can somehow be parachuted into different contexts, and instead move our focus to PedTech – where the conversation, the focus and the action are rooted around pedagogical beliefs and how they are manifest – not just surface level pedagogical practices.
If teachers and leaders are able to choose tools that help them to be the teacher or leader that they really want to be, then both the tool and the person become more effective, and lead us towards greater collective efficacy which we know trebles the impact on student achievement (Hattie, 2020).

Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith EdD MA(Ed) MMus PGCE BA(Hons) FCCT
Fiona Aubrey-Smith is an award winning former teacher and school leader who founded and now leads One Life Learning. Fiona provides strategic education consultancy services to schools and trusts, professional learning providers and EdTech companies. She is also an Associate Lecturer at The Open University, a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and sits on the board of a number of multi academy and charitable trusts. Fiona also writes regular articles and columns for a number of education publications including Headteacher Update and SecEd and is a regular contributor to books, panels, and papers about Education and Education Technology.

Dr Elizabeth Hidson

11.25 am - 11.40 am - PRESENTATION

Pedagogy by proxy: developing computing PCK through shared lesson resources

Dr. Elizabeth Hidson,
Senior Lecturer in Education in the Faculty of Education and Society at the University of Sunderland, UK

In 2014 teachers of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) faced a major National Curriculum change resulting in new programmes of study for Computing. A multiple case study involving nine experienced teachers analysed audio-visual and documentary data from lesson planning sessions. This presentation will explore the various ways that teachers located, modified and re-used digital materials and accessed online communities of practice to develop their crowd-sourced curricula. These teachers’ digital competence allowed them to assimilate unfamiliar but necessary concepts into the pedagogical reasoning process and helped them to develop new subject and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Findings showed that knowledge deficits slowed down the fluency of teachers’ lesson-planning processes, but the location and use of crowd-sourced resources helped them to develop PCK. A key conclusion from this study is that digital competence with a focus on pedagogical reasoning needs to be promoted as part of initial teacher education and agile professional development.

Dr Elizabeth Hidson

Elizabeth Hidson is a Senior Lecturer in Education in the Faculty of Education and Society at the University of Sunderland, UK. She is a former ICT teacher, AST and school leader. She now specialises in international teacher education and distance learning. Her research interests include technology-enhanced learning and digital pedagogies, computing education, video-enhanced lesson observation and the use of digital and visual research methods. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Dr. Ann Marcus Quinn

11.40 am - 11.55 am - PRESENTATION

Considerations when using Learning Analytics

Dr. Ann Marcus Quinn, Lecturer in Technical Communication and Instructional Design and Course Director for the MA in Technical Communication and E-Learning, University of Limerick

With the impact of Covid it may be necessary to continue teaching online for the foreseeable future. This short presentation looks at how learning analytics can be used to engage with students. More more importantly it also looks at what we shouldn’t overly rely on in terms of learning analytics and tracking student engagement and performance. There is no doubt that learning analytics can provide us with the opportunity to observe student engagement while also enabling us to examine the evidence of learning. This information can be extremely useful in helping faculty to design more effective assessment strategies. However, we cannot overly rely on the data that we are presented with. It is critical that we learn from what works and, more importantly, what has not. Good communication with students is imperative if a positive online space is to be created and nurtured. Both mature students and postgraduate students in particular tend to be autonomous and self-regulated, and it is important that they be allowed to contribute to their online learning space without too much regulation. We are in a golden age of online options but we must be cognisant of what we are expecting of students, and we must recognise that students have may have engaged in prior learning (RPL) and may have extra demands on their time outside of study. We must be ready to acknowledge that there may be more to the narrative than the data presented to us.

Dr. Ann Marcus-Quinn is a lecturer in Technical Communication and Instructional Design at the University of Limerick, Ireland. She is currently the Course Director for the MA in Technical Communication and E-Learning. Previous to this Ann was the Course Director (2013-2019) for the Graduate Certificate in Technical Writing by Distance. Ann has been awarded both national and international funding for her research and has had national media coverage of her work. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic Ann was invited to contribute to many events both national and international. Ann was invited to speak about Open Education Practices at Civil Society side event/symposium held alongside the United Nations Science,Technology and Innovations (STI) Forum .

Ann was also invited to write about the opportunities and the issues associated with technology in schools and the digital divide during the pandemic. These included articles and opinion editorials for The Irish Times and guest contributions elsewhere including Ireland’s first Virtual Summit for all levels of education. This ran online between May 3rd and 6th. Ann also wrote an invited guest blog on technology in education during the Covid-19 pandemic for the Irish Humanities Alliance.

During the Covid-19 pandemic Ann has consulted as an independent expert with Barnardos and the Early School Leavers’ Programme in Ireland.

In a previous role Ann worked with the National Digital Learning Resources service (NDLR) as a national advocate for Open Educational Resources. Ann has a wide range of publications to date reflecting her specialist teaching and research interests, including, eLearning Open Educational Resources (OERs), usability, instructional design and the use of ICT at post-primary level. A case study on the impact of Ann’s research was published by the Irish Humanities Alliance .

Dr Chris Shelton

11.55 am - 12.10 am - PRESENTATION

"New alignments for the digital age" - Learning from EduSummit 2019

Dr. Chris Shelton,
Vice-Chair of the TPEA and Head of Education at the University of Chichester, UK

EDUsummIT is a global community of researchers, policy-makers and practitioners committed to supporting the effective integration of Information Technology (IT) in education by promoting active dissemination and use of research. The 2019 summit resulted in papers and publications that summarise current research knowledge on topics relevant to technology, pedagogy and education. These will be useful for anyone researching digital technologies in education. In this presentation, we will discuss how EDUsummIT works and highlight some of the work to come out of the 2019 summit including in the ebook: Fisser and Philips (2020) Learners and learning contexts: New alignments for the digital age ( and recent peer-reviewed articles.
Dr Chris Shelton

Chris is Head of Education within the Institute of Education, Health and Social Sciences at the University of Chichester. He is responsible for Education and Teacher Education programmes.

Chris has taught on BA, PGCE and MA Education programmes on a range of modules related to ICT, Computing and Professional Studies. He has also been an External Examiner for a number of undergraduate and postgraduate teacher education programmes. Chris is a member of the National Executive Committee of ITTE (the Association for IT in Teacher Education). He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of BERA and of IFIP Working Groups 3.1 and 3.3. Previously he worked in primary schools across Key Stages One and Two. Chris regularly runs in-service training events for primary school teachers at the Bognor Regis campus and in local schools.

Lunch Time & The Mindfulness Museum (12.10pm - 1.10pm)

The Mindfulness Museum

Afternoon presentations

Session 2- Presentations & Speakers

Dave Darwent

1.10 pm - 1.17 pm - PECHA KUCHA

Digital Learning isn’t an add-on anymore, its integral to good teaching.

Dave Darwent,
Senior Lecturer: E-Learning Technologist, and Course Leader: PGCert Digital Teaching & Learning

As a Principal Learning Technologist it’s a daily occurrence to speak to colleagues who are scared of “using I.T.” and are trying to ‘tick a box’ by proving that they are “using I.T.” in their teaching. In most cases they actually are already using digital learning without realising it; but whether they are or not, the dominant misconception is that the “I.T.” is an add-on, something that needs to be allocated its own section within a taught session. Not only is this incorrect, but if digital learning technology is implemented in that way it usually fails to live up to expectations, and in turn alienates the anxious colleagues even further.
Dave Darwent
I’ve taught in Higher Education since 2013 and prior to that I taught in schools and Sixth Form Colleges for almost twenty years, mostly as head of ICT (schools) and Deputy Director (post-16 sector), although I did spend the first four years of my teaching career as a mathematics teacher. I have overseen significant change projects, including a brand new whole-school I.T. system from network infrastructure, hardware and applications / software to staff training and development using the new system; and also the introduction of many new digital solutions and staff training to use them whilst working in the Sixth Form College environment. I have always worked closely with Teacher Education, almost exclusively SHU provision, and for many years was Senior Mentor Co-ordinator in a college hosting up to twenty trainees per year. I took my own PGCE at Sheffield Hallam, where I also studied for my first degree (BSc Mathematics with Education) and more recently my Masters Degree in Education. Prior to my first degree I worked for eight years in retail management.

Dr Bozena Mannova

1.20 pm - 1.30 pm - PRESENTATION

Digital education before and after Covid. Experiences from CTU in Prague

Dr Bozena Mannova,
MirandaNet Fellow and Lecturer, Czech Technical University, Prague

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our lives. Czech higher education is no exception in this respect, although it was better prepared for the arrival of a pandemic than other sectors.

Within the Czech Development project “Distance education as a tool for university development” we did evaluation of the coronavirus impact on education on CTU in Prague. CTU in Prague has 8 faculties which are very different, so situation in online education is also different. We prepared questionnaire and sent it to representative of each faculty to receive global view on situation. I would like to present the most important and the most interesting results of the survey.

According to the respondents, distance 100% faculties allow the study of theoretical subjects. On the contrary, for teaching in studios, testing rooms or laboratories, the number of faculties using online formed decreased with the decreasing percentage of the possibility of implementing an online form of this teaching. For practical subjects, the options of 20% and 40% were most often chosen for the implementation of online teaching.

Starting from March 10, 2020, so-called non-contact teaching methodology was introduced at the CTU in Prague, full deployment started on March 16, 2020, with 2,255 Teams established during first ten days. Computing and Information Centre opened and filled these Teams approximately with 900 students and teachers based on data available (identities) in the study information system.

As mentioned, the CTU in Prague has gradually taken such measures aimed at unifying the rules for distance and/or online learning (synchronous teaching, asynchronous teaching). On the other hand, faculties could implement strategy with respect to their own priorities.

A return to the original state will certainly not occur. Under current conditions, it seems that hybrid teaching can represent a new paradigm for tertiary education. This area is currently being addressed as an institutional plan at CTU in Prague, and it mainly concerns the purchase of specific hardware as an investment project.

Dr Bozena Mannova

Dr Bozena Mannova is teaching at Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Computer Science. She work with the MirandaNet Fellowship (, an international professional organisation founded in 1992, and the associated charity, World Ecitizens( world has been influential. As the International Director of the Czech MirandaNet Chapter ( she has been very influential in the development of MirandaNet learning theory and practice as they relate to digital technologies and collaborative professional learning. Since she joined the Fellowship in the early 1990s with several of her Czech colleagues, there have been many fruitful Anglo-Czech collaborations. In the first days of partnership we investigated how different political systems impact on education systems publishing a book chapter about these perceptions called Collaboration through Technology Now and in the Future (Preston and Mannova 2000).

Rebecca Wilson

1.30 pm - 1.40 pm - PECHA KUCHA

Adventures in Drama and Digital Animation: re-inventing the school play

Rebecca Wilson, Teaching Technology Specialist at the Institute of Education, UCL

Adventures in Drama and Digital Animation: re-inventing the school play
This digital media project provided a creative partnership between a London primary school, ‘1927’ (who merge animation and live performance) and academics and staff at the Institute of Education UCL to re-imagine the school play. 1927 a Margate-based theatre group ran animation workshops in school with Year 6 to create background silhouette animations for their end of school performance of the Lion King. In challenging times we worked with the class teacher to refine the animations and encourage children to interact with this moving backdrop for the live performances. We filmed the results so all parents could see the final performance and interviewed teachers and children to find out what they thought about this creative process. Was the school play re-invented and re-imagined? What we do know is that we all experienced a digital adventure we want to share with you.

Rebecca Wilson
Rebecca has worked at the UCL Institute of Education for over 20 years. She enjoys the creative use of technology in the classroom. Rebeccas promote the use of digital technology in teaching and learning to develop the skills and knowledge of UCL staff and students. She organises and teaches sessions about digital technology for course leaders. Some of the tools she teach about include ‘Mentimeter’, ‘Kahoot’ and ‘Padlet’.

Dr Imane Tiahi


The impact of m-learning on student engagement

Imane Tiahi, Senior Lecturer and a Cognate Leader for the Integrated Foundation Year in Development, Education, and Law at the University of Northampton

Reviewing the literature, Ghomari (2015) argued that teaching English in the Algerian university faces some difficulties in guaranteeing the attainment of communicative competence in English for its students. This deficiency is the natural outcome of traditional non-native classroom environment that suffers an acute lack of interpersonal interactions in the target language and no exposure to authentic environments, which are two basic elements in the acquisition of a foreign language. Consequently, I felt the need to search for an understanding about the implications of m-learning on student engagement in light of social constructivism as a pedagogical approach and this contributes to my understanding of the appropriate teaching approach namely communicative competence approach. To this end, the aim of this research is to explore teachers’ and students’ attitudes and perceptions towards the implications of m-learning on student engagement in EFL being vital in effective implementation, improvement, change and intention formation.

This research uses qualitative data collection methods; semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and reflective journals.

Dr Imane Tiahi

Dr Imane Tiahi has spent many years working in education teaching English as a foreign language. This experience has given her a valuable insight into what happens in education in different countries like Algeria and the UK. She researches on topics relating to Teaching and Learning, m-learning in education, student engagement and EFL. She has achieved the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Currently, a senior lecturer and a Cognate Leader for the Integrated Foundation Year in Development, Education, and Law at the University of Northampton.

(2.00 - 2.40) - Keynote Presentation: Beena Nana, Strategy and Research Lead , Digital Strategy for Education, Department for Education

Session 3- Presentations & Speakers - Covid Keepers? Perspectives from the sector

John Sibbald

3.00 pm - 3.10 pm - PRESENTATION

COVID keepers - making digital real again

John Sibbald,

What have we learnt from lockdown and the different iterations of home learning? What can we take forward to develop our practice and improve pupil outcomes?

Digital skills for all?
Teachers and TAs?
Parents and community?

John Sibbald
John has nearly thirty year of experience teaching and leading in North Manchester secondary schools. Ten years were spent working at the North West Manchester City Learning Centre researching the effective use of new and emerging digital technologies and how these impact on teaching and learning. In April 2010 he joined the team at Manchester Communication Academy in Harpurhey, leading on the development of the new Computing curriculum, digital strategy and skills and staff effectiveness and performance in the use of technology. Since leaving teaching in the Spring of 2017 he has been working with the following partners on developing digital strategy, remote learning and digital skills: Tute Education Ltd – creating a set of virtual teacher standards, developing lesson review protocols and improving online teacher effectiveness when delivering synchronous teaching and asynchronous learning. Greater Manchester Combined Authority – working with schools, colleges and industry on developing and evaluating a digital talent pipeline strategy. University of Salford and Create Education – evaluating the Morson Engineering Challenge, a 3D printing, additive manufacturing project in nine Salford secondary schools. The Ideas Foundation – supporting pupils in four secondary schools in creating resources for peers as part of a digital leadership framework. This includes digital critical literacy, digital resilience and digital curatorship. Manchester City Council High school audit. Working with thirty-six secondary and secondary SEND schools on evaluating and developing their digital offer – computer science, digital literacy, digital specialist and life skills. In March 2020 the DfE EdTech Demonstrator programme was reconfigured to focus on remote provision of learning during lockdown with an additional 20 demonstrators being appointed. John approached The Manchester College and together they were successful in securing a demonstrator contract support to eighty schools and colleges in the North West of England. Phase 2 of the programme sees John moving to work with Oldham Sixth Form College helping schools apply digital technologies in the recovery phase.

Dr Carol Hordatt-Gentles

Professor Marilyn Leask

3.10 pm - 3.20 pm - PRESENTATION

Using technology to support remote teaching and learning (schools) during the Covid-19 pandemic: teachers’ voice their experiences.

Dr Carol Hordatt-Gentles,
Senior Lecturer in Education and previous Chairperson of the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) and Chairperson of the Joint Board of Teacher Education, Mona

Professor Marilyn Leask,
Co-chair of the Education Futures Collaboration charity and founder of the MESH system of knowledge sharing. Visiting Professor at De Montfort University, UK.

This paper presents selected findings from research undertaken during June to December 2020 by ICET and MESHGuides network members with over 500 educators from across 40 countries and from discussions held in two international symposia on 8th and 15th October 2020. The full report will shortly be published on and

The COVID 19 pandemic created challenges for education that have been unprecedented with implications for significant changes in how we think about and practice the work of teaching and learning. The International Teachers Task Force (ITTF, 2020) estimated in 2020 that “around 63 million primary and secondary teachers around the world were affected by school closures in 165 countries” due to the pandemic. This placed teachers “on the frontlines of the response to ensure” that learning continued for 1.5 billion students worldwide. In rising to this challenge many teachers had to shift rapidly from accustomed ways of teaching in physical classrooms to teaching online.

Teachers had to figure out how to adjust curricula, their pedagogy and practice for online or other delivery often without professional training or support.

It is teachers who communicated with students’ parents and tried to support their students’ transition to online learning. It was teachers who strategized and led the search for ways to connect with students. It is also teachers who experienced having to function without proper support. It is thus teachers who are best positioned to offer insight into the types of professional learning opportunities and training they need to function effectively now and in the future.

The presentation will provide vignettes of innovative uses of technology to support remote teaching as well as identify opportunities and comment on how the challenges to remote teaching during Covid-19 could be overcome.

Dr. Hordatt Gentles holds a PhD in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning in Teacher Education from the Ontario Institute of Educational Studies, University of Toronto, a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology, a Diploma in Education specializing in Geography and Social Studies from UWI, Mona, and a BA in Psychology from York University, Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Hordatt Gentles is a Teacher Education and Teacher Development Specialist. In this capacity she has worked as a Consultant with the USAID, the World Bank, UNESCO and the Ministry of Education. Grenada on various projects across the Caribbean. She has also served on local, National and International Boards including the University Council of Jamaica, the Advisory Board for Undergraduate Studies at the University of Technology and the Grace Kennedy Foundation Board.

She is currently the Chairperson of the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) and Chairperson of the Joint Board of Teacher Education, Mona. Her responsibilities in the School of Education include serving as Editor of the Caribbean Journal of Education and Programme Coordinator for the MA in Teacher Education and Teacher Development.

Professor Marilyn Leask is chair of the Education Futures Charity (registered charity number 1157511) which has developed the MESH initiative – MESH= Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow ( The University of Winchester is a founder member of the charity and the MESH initiative.

Prof. Leask is well known for her work on knowledge management in education and in building the evidence and knowledge base for teacher education and classroom practice. This has developed from her research on digital technologies and teacher knowledge and how digital technologies can be harnessed to support lifelong learning for teachers.

She has held chairs at the University of Bedfordshire (Educational Knowledge Management) and Brunel University. This follows a career as a teacher, researcher, academic, government policy officer, author and series editor of the main textbooks used for secondary teacher training in the UK.

As a government employee and Head of Effective Practices and Research Dissemination section in the UK agency responsible for teacher training she was responsible for commissioning academics and teachers to work together ot put the knowledge base underpinning teacher training online to support improvement across the education system. A change of UK government in 2010 – the first change since use of the internet became widespread – meant that the intellectual capital in which tax payers had invested over £20M for the benefit of children and teachers was lost as servers were closed down. The outcome of this was to set up the Education Futures Collaboration charity to ensure that effort is not again lost due to government whim.
Her current work includes developing national and international models for scaling up promising small scale research using resources within the education system to create a self-sustaining self-improving education systems.

She is a specialist in: teacher education, whole system change, improvement and development across large systems particularly through online networking and knowledge sharing, the development of approaches supporting evidence-informed policy and practice, and the use of digital technologies in education.

She has worked as a teacher, researcher and manager in secondary schools, local authorities, universities and two national agencies – The Training and Development Agency for schools where as Head of Effective Practices she brought together subject associations and colleagues across the education sector to establish the Teacher Training Resource Bank and the associated subject resource networks, and the Improvement and Development Agency for local government where as Head of Knowledge and Learning she set up online communities for local government using web 2.0 technology now the Knowledge Hub
She was instrumental, with international colleagues, in establishing UK TeacherNet and European Schoolnet (

She is co-editor of the Learning to Teach in the Secondary School series of text books which are widely used for teacher training and which cover all subjects. The eighth edition is due in 2019. She has led research projects in a number of countries as well as within the UK.

With Professor Christina Preston (MirandaNet), she has been working with practitioners to develop a new research and evaluation methodology, the PIMMS approach – practitioners and researchers working in a community of practice and using innovative 21C multidimensional mind-mapping as well standard techniques for ideas sharing, research and evaluation. With Professor Sarah Younie and other colleagues she is working on new models for synthesizing educational research to make the findings usable, scalable so as to build an accumulating knowledge base.

Tessy Mosindi

3.30 pm - 3.40 pm - PRESENTATION

Computer Science in school education: is the balance still correct? Reflections in the light of the pandemic

Tessy Mosindi,

Since the government overhaul of the ICT curriculum, Computer Science was hailed as the best approach for students to gain a modern qualification that would prepare them for their future world.

However, the pandemic has brought to the forefront issues that remain which make the subject inaccessible to different categories of learners e.g. girls, students with SEND needs, low ability achievers etc. In this presentation, we explore some of these issues as well as how the digital divide still limits students from gaining vital technology skills.

Tessy Mosindi

Tessy is an experienced Head Of Department with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry.

She is the founder of Educating Africa, a non-profit organisation focused on alleviating poverty through the education of Afro-Caribbean girls.

She is skilled in Education Pedagogy, Programming, Computer Science, Business Planning and Mentoring.

Tessy is passionate about engaging girls in the tech sector and building empowered communities.

Pre-recorded conference presentations

We have a number of colleagues from the TPEA community who wanted to present at the conference but sadly could not be here. We have placed their videos here for you to watch later at your convience. 

Emma Goto


P4C online? - Finding a space for dialogic learning in the time of Covid-19

Emma Goto,
Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Winchester, UK

This presentation will share the details of how we engaged students in dialogue during a module about philosophy for children (P4C) that went online at very short notice. The challenge for us was how to create a virtual space for dialogue. Three iterations later I share some of the highs and lows alongside my reflections around my developing pedagogical practice. This session will share some of the challenges and solutions found when moving a community of enquiry online.
Emma Goto

Emma Goto is Senior Lecturer in Education (ITE). She completed a degree in psychology at the University of Dundee in 1995. After working briefly in marketing, she chose to move into the field of education. In 1996, after studying for a Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (CTEFLA), she moved to Japan and taught English in private language schools and public kindergartens.

Upon returning to the United Kingdom in 2000, Emma completed her Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in primary education at King Alfred’s College. After qualifying, she spent seven years teaching in an infant school, during which time she qualified as an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST). As an AST she spent seven years supporting schools in Hampshire with their development of ICT. Although Emma had a real passion for ICT in primary education, she felt her own subject knowledge should be further developed. Therefore, she studied for an Undergraduate Diploma in computing through the University of Oxford, which she was awarded with distinction in 2006. In 2009 Emma was seconded to a part-time role with Hampshire Local Authority as a learning platform consultant supporting the implementation of a learning platform in primary schools across Hampshire. In 2010 she moved to teach in a Hampshire primary school where she continued to support the practice of other teachers as an AST. Emma’s teaching experience in schools is predominantly in Key Stage One and the Early Years Foundation Stage although she has supported the development of practice across the primary range.

In 2011 Emma completed her MAEd after writing a dissertation focusing on the implementation of learning platforms in three infant schools. She has been lecturing at the University of Winchester since 2013. In 2018 Emma was awarded a Professional Masters (MProf) in Theory Practice and Ethics in Educational Research. Her current research interest is in the area of computational thinking. Emma lectures in Primary Education within Computing, Professional Studies, Early Years and Philosophy for Children (P4C) modules.

Welcome to our online Conference Dinner

“This recipe comes from a Slimming World book. The type of pasta is not crucial and the vegetables can be varied according to what you have in the cupboard. Non-vegans might want to add chicken or prawns. You might also want to jazz it up with a little double cream!”

Pre-prepare your ingredients

Collect all your ingredients before we begin and prepare everything so your are ready to cook with us. We have purposefully selected a recipe that you can add what you would like in addition to the basic recipe.

Cook along with Christina and John

Join in the fun and cook along with each stage of the recipe as Christina and John guide us through the cooking sequence

Bring an exciting or your favourite drink as well

Take a photograph at the end, bring along your favourite tipple, mocktail, beer, wine, etc and enjoy getting to know other delegates over your meal.