Our Conferences
Come join our friendly, welcoming and knowledgeable community of educators and researchers connected through digital education

Find out more about this year's conference
Conference 2019 Review
A richer curriculum? Creating a culture of opportunity in a digital world. Read the full reviews of the 2019 conference which took place at the University of Winchester in July, where we asked: "What does effective research look like in research schools?"
Engage and Debate
Meet educators, researchers, experts and organisations coming together to talk and debate current thinking with educational technology and pedagogy
A Community of Learners
Relax, meet new people or catch up with old friends. Our conferences are an opportunity for you to do all these things and more
How to get involved with our conferences
We welcome all contributions from all members of our TPEA as well as people new to the field of edtech and digital education as well as researchers and companies. Our community is both wide-ranging, knowledgeable and many of the prominent writers in educational technology have or are members of our organisation.