Improving scientific dissemination in education
Elias Said-Hung, Ph.D.
International University of La Rioja
Social networks and dissemination of scientific knowledge
The rise of social networks in our societies implies the transformation of traditional communicative references. The actual digital context increases a necessary awareness of the challenge that scientific actors and agents must assume in using this type of digital scenario. Above all, if we want to guarantee the visibility of the knowledge generated from the academy through the active dissemination of the results generated to improve social challenges.
The actual digital context promotes the appearance of Open Access and Open Science movements what can contribute to a scientific culture based on innovation, collaboration, transparency, and open access to knowledge academically and throughout society. Despite this, the level of communication and dissemination at the university academic level for scientific promotion and development of educational practices is low.
Understanding how scientific knowledge disseminated in education
At the level of education (as an area of knowledge), the reality exposed in the previous section is no different, despite the impact that the scientific knowledge could improve the training conditions in charge of teachers. For this reason, some of the main challenges are the promotion of research actions that help and promote research that improves and makes more efficient the Open Access and Open Science scenario already indicated. Under this premise, the Comscienciaeduspain project has been carried out in Spain since July 2021, with the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology – Ministry of Science and Innovation. A project, made up of 14 researchers from six Spanish universities, led by the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, expects educators and researchers to improve skills for disseminating and using science associated with the educational field, from the understanding of the integration processes and recognizing where, when, and how science disseminated at the level of social networks in Spain.
During the second quarter of 2022, the project expects to publish the first results from its web portal and other associated 2.0 channels.
For more details
Gülbahar, Y., Rapp, C., Kilis, S. & Sitnikova, A. (2017). Enriching HigherEducation with Social Media: Development and Evaluation of a Social MediaToolkit. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18:1, 23–39.
Rodríguez-Fernández, M., Sánchez-Amboage, E. & Martínez-Fernández, A. (2018). Use, Knowledge and assessment of the scientific digital social networdks in the Galician universities. El Profesional de la Información, 27:5, 1097-1107.
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Improving scientific dissemination in education
Helen Caldwell
Dr Elias Said-Hung from the International University of La Rioja introduces a research project involving the development of a social media toolkit for use in higher education.