Top Ten Resources for Secondary Computing Teachers
Getting Started
- This guide from CAS (Computing at School) is a great introduction to the subject – Kemp, P. (2013) Computing in the National Curriculum: A Guide for Secondary Teachers. Computing At School.
- You will also need to read the National Curriculum for Computing. (Start by looking closely at the ‘Aims’).
Teaching Computing
- The National Centre for Computing Education – Access to plans, resources and CPD opportunities – https://teachcomputing.org/primary-teachers
- Computing At Schools – Become a member for free to access resources, discussion forums and curriculum information – https://www.computingatschool.org.uk/
- Activity ideas on the CSUnplugged website – https://csunplugged.org/en/topics/
- Activity ideas on the Teaching London Computing Website – https://teachinglondoncomputing.org/
- Isaac Computer Science – for both GCSE and AS/A Level Computer Science the library is pretty comprehensive and there are some good quizzes.
- Wikibooks A-level Computer Science – covers most of the AQA spec, which filters down to the GCSE. Lots of diagrams and questions
Staying safe online
- Education for a Connected World – This document from the UK Council for Internet Safety gives a really helpful progression to help keep pupils safe online. It looks at 8 aspects of online activity and sets objectives across each year group from ages 4-18
- Project Evolve – Resources to support all the statements in the Education for a Connected world Framework