Renew your ITTE membership today
ITTE, the Association for IT in Teacher Education, is becoming TPEA – the Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association.
At the last ITTE AGM, we voted to adopt the TPEA constitution. Our subject association is now a charity and our new name reflects our close relationship with the association’s journal. With the launch of TPEA and our new website, we can now offer a range of additional member benefits including online journal access.
Sign up below to transfer your existing ITTE membership to TPEA. Please renew your membership and engage with our community, learn from research and build your expertise over the coming year.

Renew today to continue your membership
That’s only £3.33 per month!

Be part of a supportive national subject association which informs policy and practice on behalf of its membership.

Receive regular emails about news, events and opportunities.

Contribute to TPEA consultations

NEW: Access to members-only pages on our website

Share your news, stories, publications and projects with other TPEA members

Publish blogs on the TPEA site

NEW: Create a personal profile and view full profiles of other members

Vote and stand for committee election

Access and engage with national and international experts in digital technologies

Receive printed copy of our international peer reviewed journal Technology, Pedagogy and Education (five issues per year)

NEW: Access online educational technology journals (Technology, Pedagogy and Education; Learning, Media and Technology; Computer Science Education; Interactive Learning Environments)

Apply for TPEA research grants and fellowship awards

Write for TPEA publications including chapters in edited collections, co-author journal articles and research summaries

NEW: Access and contribute to our Living History Timeline of Educational Technology

Develop your expertise and knowledge through participation in TPEA events

Contribute to TPEA research projects

Attend TPEA events and online courses for free or at discounted rates

Develop your writing and research skills with support from experienced writers, editors and publishers

Benefit from mentoring for new tutors to teacher education

Collaborate with other members and develop your national and international profile