Event Information Box

Table of Contents


Event title:

First IFIP World Conference on Computer Education
Photo of conference papers

Timeline Date

August 24, 1970


Government, Department or Organisation

Secretary of State



BECTA Category

Event Content

By disapplying the ICT programme of study from September this year schools will be able to offer a more creative and challenging curriculum, drawing on support and advice from those best positioned to judge what an ambitious and forward-looking curriculum should contain.


Part One — Invited Papers; Part Two — Education About Computers; Part Three — Use of Computers in Education

Contents includes — Computer education in the 1970’s (Langefors); Computer Technology in Education, how to make it viable (CHarp); Some Aspects of Computer Technology (Gordon Pask); Computer Science and Mathematics (Preston Hammer); Informatics and computer education (Jean Arsac); Teaching Thinking (Seymour Papert); Mathematical Learning Models as Tools for Computer Assisted instruction (van der Veer); Computers & the Humanities;

Computer education – its impact on men and society (Fred Margulies); Expansion of BCS Computer Education Group (Jackson); The Glasgow Schools project (Miller & Tomasso); A Computer for Schools (Tinsley); Sections on Computer Education in Secondary Schools, Teacher Training; National Schemes for Computer Education and Governmental Responsibilities (Japan, Italy, Austria, USA, Canada, Britain, Scotland etc); The Place of Computer and Information Sciences in Higher Education;

Education (DP) Management – The NETT (Non-Electronic Teaching Toy) Computer – a basis for spreading ‘Computeracy’ (C J Tully); National and International Efforts to Develop Computer Education – Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Israel, Paraguay etc – A Training Programme in Electronic Computation in a Developing Country (Pardo); The Planning and Execution of Programs for Computer Specialists in Universities – time-sharing, etc;

A Decade of Computing at Woolwich Polytechnic and plans for the Seventies; Professional Training (Programmers and Systems Analysts, EDP etc) Strategies for Development & Presentation of Computer based Leanring Exercises; computer assisted instruction etc; Practice of Computer Based Learning; Languages for Education; Simulation – in the classroom; teaching sociological work; Genetic Experiments on a Computer (Honcariv and Vinar);

[Credit: https://www.oldcomputerbooks.com]

Evidence indicates that recent curriculum and qualifications reforms have not led to significant improvements in the teaching of ICT, and the number of students progressing to further study in ICT-related subjects is in decline. Furthermore, the ICT curriculum in its current form is viewed as dull and demotivating for pupils. Its teaching may not equip pupils adequately for further study and work, may leave them disenchanted or give rise to negative perceptions that turn them off the subject completely.

Event Media

Key Documents

[pdf-embedder url=”https://tpea.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2021/02/Conf-1970-part-1.pdf” title=”1970 IFIP conferene”]

Further Research around the event

Views, Blogs and Criticism


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