2018 Conference – Winchester

32nd International Annual Conference Raising aspirations for digital education Thursday 7th June – Friday 8th June 2018 The 32nd Annual Conference was held in Winchester on 7th

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Conference 2017: Kingston-upon-Hull

31st International Conference Wednesday 21st June 2017 The 2017 ITTE Conference was hosted at the University of Hull. Conference Keynote Speakers Download the Conference Programme

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Conference 2016: London

30th International Conference Saturday 2nd July 2016 The Regent High School Chalton Street, London NW1 1RX ▼ Digital Futures: Transforming Practice, Raising the Bar “Digital

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Conference 2015: London

29th International Conference 4th July 2015, London Digital Futures: Shaping tomorrow’s learning and teaching Conference themes Conference Programme Conference Keynotes and Papers Slides and presentation

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Conference 2012: Oxford

  ITTE Research and Practice Conference 2012 Thursday 5th – Saturday 7th July 2012 at St Anne’s College, Oxford ITTE are pleased to announce the

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Conference 2011: Keele

ITTE Annual International Conference 2011, Keele University  “Back to the Future?: where are we going with ICT and ITE?”  Tuesday 5th – Thursday 7th July

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Conference 2010: Liverpool

 ITTE Summer Conference 2010 6th to 8th July 2010 The popular and successful summer conference was at Liverpool Hope University. Click here to view a

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Conference 2009: Exeter

Conference 2009: ExeterThe highly successful ITTE 2009 summer conference was held at the University of Exeter in Devon, UK. The conference ran from lunchtime on

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