Conference 2016: London

ITTE Logo30th International Conference

Saturday 2nd July 2016

The Regent High School
Chalton Street, London NW1 1RX

Digital Futures:
Transforming Practice, Raising the Bar

Digital Futures: Transforming Practice, Raising the Bar” is open to teachers, teacher educators, academics, policy makers and other relevant professionals interested in information technology in teacher education.

During this one-day conference, equally balanced between networking, sharing of best practice and presentations, we welcome one keynote speaker:


We also welcome the winners of our competitive ITTE Fellowship scheme who will be reporting back on their early research project findings.

We are inviting proposals, which relate to one of the conference themes or other issues of relevance to members of the Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education.

Proposals are welcomed in a variety of formats including research papers, accounts of practice, workshops, TeachMeet presentations, Pecha Kucha presentations, and posters.

This year’s conference themes are:

  • In the classroom: Submissions should address such questions as, how is technology used for teaching and learning in educational settings or how do we use research to support evidence based practice?
  • In the staff room: Submissions should address such questions as, how can we use technology for professional development and school organisation and what approaches support teachers to develop their use of technology?
  • In the library: Submissions should address such questions as, how we can mobilise knowledge about technology use? How can we publish research and practice to maximise its impact?



Conference Programme
see Speed Networking Guide)

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Delegate List 2016

Conference Papers
(Where available abstract titles link to the presentation materials)

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Post-conference review by Terry Freedman

Post-conference review by Sarah Jones (ITTE Vice-Chair)

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