Funding Opportunities with TPEA

TPEA Research and Development Grants
We intend to award grants of up to £1000 to advance knowledge in the field and to help TPEA achieve the charity’s goals. We expect to award up to four grants each year.
We welcome applications for new research projects including empirical work and literature surveys or for activities to communicate and disseminate research findings. We will accept applications that build on and extend existing work. Applications must show how the project will support one or both of our charitable aims to advance education for the public benefit by:
- promoting research and effective practice in the use of digital technologies and
- supporting initial and continuing teacher professional development, in the field of the effective use of educational technologies.
We will require all projects to produce a short final Project Report to be published on the TPEA website that describes the projects aims and outcomes. We would also expect projects to result in additional outputs, for example, a TPEA blog, conference presentation or publication as a research chapter or article.
Application criteria
- Membership criteria
Applications are invited from TPEA Membersplus+. All applicants must have a current Membersplus+ subscription at the time of application (either individual or as a part of an institutional membership). Only one grant each year will be awarded per member or per institutional membership. Applicants from teams are encouraged – the principal applicant must have a Memberplus+ account but other team members are not required to have active subscriptions. - Quality criteria
a) Are the proposed project aims aligned with the TPEA charitable objectives and likely to result in knowledge or activity of relevance to the TPEA membership?
b) Is the proposed project (including methods and activities) clear, appropriate and acheivable?
c) Does the proposed project clearly build on existing knowledge?
d) Does the applicant (or team) have the capability to deliver the outcomes?
e) How likely is the project to result in a publishable outcome relevant to academics and practitioners in the field?
f) Is there evidence of potential for impact on practice and/or policy?
How to apply
Applications must be made using this TPEA application form and sent by email to “” with the subject line “TPEA Grant Application”. We will acknowledge receipt of application within 7 days. Applications via other methods will not be considered.
Applications will be scored against the criteria above by a panel appointed by the TPEA Executive Committee. The panel may request additional information from applicants to support their decision making. We reserve the right not to award any grants if no applications are of sufficient quality or to make awards conditional on minor changes to the proposal.
- Applications can be submitted at any time.
- Approximately every 3 months, a panel will convene to consider applications. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application via email following the panel. Successful applicants will need to agree the start date of their project with the panel.
- The project must be completed within 12 months of the project start.
- Grants will be paid on submission of the Project Report. Applications may request up to 50% of the grant to be paid earlier but this must be justified in the application and linked to key deliverables.